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Starting Point

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Firstly, thanks for stopping by : )

I said this blog would be about health, weight lifting and clean eating, so I'd best start there.

This is my starting point, not just for the blog, but for a new push when it comes to my workouts. I've got four new weights programmes, two for my upper body, two for my lower body. I've got one enormous freezer full of meat waiting to be made into delicious meals. Most importantly I have a plan.

So here I go! I'm going to hit the gym five times per week for the next twelve weeks. I already do four regularly sessions so I'm hoping this won't be too much of a push! At least four of these sessions will be weights, the other session will be some form of HIIT training - I need to stop avoiding cardio!

I'm going to eat clean. I've got millions of lovely recipes I can't wait to test out and share. But I'm going to have Saturday evenings off. Swapping one restrictive diet/obsession for another one just doesn't fit with this healthy lifestyle I'm trying to carve out.

So here goes...

Are you on a similar journey?

Tiffany x

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1 comment

  1. Looking forward to reading more about your healthy living journey! 😊
