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Exercising my way to Recovery - #EDAW2015

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In September 2012 I decided that I needed to finally kick my eating disorder - every last shadow of it. Although I was going about my normal life it still influenced me on a daily basis and enough was enough. I needed to learn how to nourish my body and how to make it strong, but at the same time know that my weight wouldn't spiral out of control. I went to the gym and signed up with a Personal Trainer. 

In my initial consultation I explained my situation very honestly. I was told I'd need to eat meat to put on some muscle mass, and put butter on my vegetables. I'd been 'vegetarian' for four years, purely because of my ED. I went home and decided I'd never be speaking to that particular moron again, his demands were impossible.

Two days later I found myself in my first session with him. I had decided to commit 100% to his nutrition and training plans. No personal trainer aims to make their client fat, so I convinced myself it was safe. I needed to take a leap of faith to recover, so I threw myself in at the deep end (and had chicken for dinner that very night with only a teeny tantrum). 

Two and a half years later, weight lifting has become a huge part of my life. I'm very aware that this is still a way of controlling my body and my food, but it is entirely different to the control exerted by anorexia and bulimia. At first perhaps, there wasn't too much difference. I used my excessive willpower and control-freak tendencies and applied them to my gym regime, but as that regime has become an established part of my life I've relaxed. I eat clean for six days of the week, but anyone who gets in between me and my treats on day seven doesn't know what's good for them. If there's a particularly delicious treat floating around I'll eat it even if it's not cheat day. I am now in control of my food choices, rather than them controlling me.

It hasn't always been plain sailing. I still find it difficult to be weighed by somebody else. Analysing my body fat can still send me wobbly for a few hours if the result isn't what I want, but it used to be days. It took a while to get used to a curvier and more muscular appearance, but now you couldn't pay me to go back. Once I nearly relapsed when someone told me my bum was massive, now I'm proud that my massive bum has been voted the best in the gym ; ). 

Going to the gym gave me a new focus. Rather than trying to drive the number further down the scales, I am trying to push the weight on my lifts up. Rather than spending all day crying over calories, I spend all day living my life. I relish the time I spend in the gym but it's not the be all and end all. I am healthy and I am happy and I am strong. It couldn't be a stronger contrast to my life with an eating disorder. 

Tiffany x 


Life with an Eating Disorder - #EDAW2015

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As you may be aware, this week is Eating Disorders Awareness Week - a cause very close to my heart. I was plagued all my teenage years with anorexia and bulimia. Turning to fitness gave me a new, constructive coping mechanism and helped me turn my life around. Tomorrow I'll write a post about the difference weightlifting has made to my recovery, but today I want to spread some awareness about the reality of life with an eating disorder (or two!).  

In my first year at university I suffered a major relapse. Midway through the first term, that haze of bops, clubbing and Kebab Kid became tinged with guilt and self-hatred. Back came a feeling I thought I’d forgotten. That portion of chips on the way back from town became a weapon to torment myself with for days. The upcoming faculty dinner paralysed me with nerves because I didn’t know the menu or whom I would be sitting next to. I stopped going out in the evenings because of how repulsive I felt.
The voices of my teenage years were back in force, not as a feeling, but as a whole identity taking shape in my head. When it’s strong an eating disorder owns every single day. Every command it gives you, you are almost powerless to ignore, even if you know it’s damaging. It’s soul-destroying to live with the tirades of abuse that come whether you obey it or not. They can go on for days, every name under the sun just echoing around the empty space within your head. It’s a constant screaming, in private, in public and in sleep. It doesn’t stop. It takes every inch of you – your voice, your strength and more. It’s a bombardment. There are days when it obliterates absolutely everything. Holding a simple conversation becomes an enormous effort, because every time you open your mouth to speak your thoughts have gone. They have been stolen by the eating disorder and converted into a waterfall of numbers.
The essays I was meant to be writing seemed of little significance in comparison with what the needle on the scale said today. I started to distrust my friends. When they invited me out for dinner, it seemed like a conspiracy to make me fat. The eating disorder established a strict regime. It imported a concrete set of rules by which I knew to live my life. You come to believe in it. Everything it says, you take as the truth. Everything it forces you to do seems like the sensible option, and you’re blind enough to think you’re choosing to do it. I had a ghost wrapped around my tongue and working my legs for me, walking, talking, thinking, answering questions, even smiling.
My friends realised there was something wrong before I did. When experiencing a relapse, its common for the sufferer to think ‘it’s alright’ to lose ‘just that little bit’ of weight. What it’s difficult to see is how much of your head you’re dedicating to this endeavour. By the time you realise, you’re facing a fully-grown version of the most fatal mental illness of all. I went straight to the doctors and alerted my tutors to my situation. They were, on the whole, incredibly supportive. It was difficult to be honest about why I wasn't functioning. The truth was that I’d spend an entire day each week obsessively poring over the menu for the canteen, working out exactly what I’d eat over the next seven days. I’d spend hours in the evening waiting for the bathroom to be free and for as few people as possible to be around. Most disheartening of all, battling this illness takes every ounce of energy. It became impossible to complete my work, even though I looked fine. My still healthy weight disguised my inner struggle.
I was my own worst enemy. I knew I was going to remain at war with myself until I decided once again to win every mealtime battle, whatever the cost. To do that I had to speak the truth, to everyone, no matter how much my voice shook. I had to conquer the shame I felt because I’d slipped, that I’d let my personal demons affect not just me, but my friends, the girls on my corridor, my family. I had to accept that it wasn’t my fault. There was no reason for me to be ashamed.
As soon as the secrecy is removed from a mental illness, it loses a vital grip over its victim: they are no longer the only one fighting it. I spoke to my friends and told them the things that cause me to falter. If the illness is inside, people outside cannot be expected to know what acts as a trigger. They’d had no idea of the fuel apparently innocent comments could give to my illness. Opening up removed a crucial element of my ED’s ammunition. I started to admit my difficulties even on the worst of days.
It is this openness that needs to be repeated on a grander scale if mental illnesses are going to be recognised and defeated. The stigma that can be encountered can silence any terrified cry for help. It’s so easy for a disease of the mind to be dismissed as attention seeking, a bad day, or a phase. This couldn’t be further from the truth.  These insidious illnesses need to be fought every waking moment of every living day. The fight can seem debilitating, but every victory over every fear adds another line of defence. When you’ve won you can begin to live again, rather than just breathing air.
We are not weak because we suffer. We are powerful because we are surviving. No pity, no shame, no silence.
Find help here:


Gym Goal #1 - the chin up

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When I'm training I set myself short term goals, like adding a bit more weight each week, and long term goals. One of the long term goals I set myself was to do a chin-up.

In all honesty, this was a goal I didn't really think I'd achieve, or a goal I thought was in the very distant future. All the work I put in to build up the necessary strength seemed a world away from performing the actual exercise. But this weekend I managed not one, but five - and I'm over the moon!

Getting there has been a long process. Us ladies are at a natural disadvantage when it comes to performing chin-ups and pull-ups. Women have up to 40% less muscle mass in their upper bodies than men[1], and if there's any exercise that's upper body dominant it's the chin up! The make-up of our muscle is different too, we have slightly less fast twitch muscle fibres in the upper body than men, and its fast twitch muscle fibres that generate the explosive force you need to get your chest level with the bar [2].

This isn't to say it can't be done. With the right training and determination it is possible! These are the exercises I found really helpful to build my strength:

Scapular Retractions 
If you hang from the bar, you'll find that your shoulders are being pulled upwards out of their sockets, and your arms are fully extended. From there, pull your shoulder blades back, down and together, engaging your scapular muscles. Your body should rise an inch or so. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds and then lower yourself back down to full extension. I started by doing 3 sets of 5, and built up from there. This is the position your shoulders should be in through the whole range of the chin-up, so it's a good idea to get used to how it feels.

Banded Chin-ups
Using a resistance band to help you bounce up to the top is really useful when focussing on form. It allows you to get used to the correct position of your body, and the motion involved in the lift. Banded chin-ups aren't that great for building strength though. Try three sets of 8-10, and focus on feeling your lats.

Eccentric Chin-ups
These made the biggest difference in the world! The eccentric movement (going down from the top) is much stronger than the concentric (getting up there). Use your leg to push yourself up, make sure your lats are engaged with your shoulders back and down, then release your leg and lower yourself down slowly.

There are different variations of this depending on your strength levels. At first I'd leave my leg on the cushion to take some of my weight, and lower myself down for five seconds. As I got stronger I let both my legs hang and stuck to five seconds. I aimed to build up to a 30 second eccentric - that took some doing! I also found it helpful to wear a weight belt with a 5kg plate when doing shorter eccentrics. 

Of course there are lots of other exercises that are useful, and the set and rep ranges will vary depending on strength - but this is how I got going. 

Do you struggle with chin-ups? What did you find helped your strength?

Tiffany x

[1] Janssen, I. & Co. (2000). Skeletal muscle mass and distribution in 468 men and women aged 18–88 yr. Journal of Applied Physiology. 89 (1), p81-88.
[2] Wegner, H. (2007). Developing Upper Body Strength for Women in the Canadian Forces.


Eating in - thai green curry

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Last night I had a friend over for dinner. It's traditional for us to have curry night, but rather than heading out for a high-fat restaurant curry we decided to stay in and cook Thai Green Curry from scratch.

Thai Green Curry is a great mid-week meal when you're in a rush. If you use a jarred paste you can cook the whole thing in fifteen minutes. It's definitely a staple meal for me: it's really easy to pack full of protein if you add in extra chicken, and as long as you don't go OTT with the olive oil it's low in fat. I normally use light coconut milk, as it's really high in B Vitamins and cuts that fat count down a bit more. I also tend to eat it without rice or noodles, making it a great option when I'm on a low carb regime!

Yesterday we cooked the whole thing from scratch, here's the recipe! I'd love to hear what your favourite healthy meals are, or how you get on making it!

Tiffany x


For the Paste
2 red and 2 green chillies, chopped - seeds removed
3 lemongrass stalks
4 cloves of garlic
1 thumb-sized piece of ginger, finely chopped
1 small white onion, finely chopped
1 handful of fresh coriander, chopped
1 teaspoon of cumin
Zest of 1 lime
1 tablespoon of thai fish source
Salt and pepper to taste

For the Curry
3 chicken breasts, chopped into chunks
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tin of light coconut milk
400ml of chicken stock
6 lime leaves
1 tablespoon of thai fish source
1 handful of coriander leaves and stalks, chopped
200g chopped oriental mushrooms (any old mushrooms will do!)
A selection of vegetables - we used peppers, baby corn, cabbage and beansprouts

1. Chop the lemon grass into small slices, then add it to a food processor with all the other ingredients for the paste. Blitz until smooth.

2. Heat up the olive oil in a wok, then add the paste and stir for two minutes. Add the coconut milk, bring to the boil and then leave to simmer for two minutes.

3. Add the chicken, chicken stock, lime leaves and fish sauce, leave to simmer for 8-10 minutes.

4. Throw in the mushrooms and other vegetables and leave to simmer for 3-5 minutes.

5. Sprinkle the coriander over the top and serve with noodles or rice, or just enjoy on its own!


Starting Point

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Firstly, thanks for stopping by : )

I said this blog would be about health, weight lifting and clean eating, so I'd best start there.

This is my starting point, not just for the blog, but for a new push when it comes to my workouts. I've got four new weights programmes, two for my upper body, two for my lower body. I've got one enormous freezer full of meat waiting to be made into delicious meals. Most importantly I have a plan.

So here I go! I'm going to hit the gym five times per week for the next twelve weeks. I already do four regularly sessions so I'm hoping this won't be too much of a push! At least four of these sessions will be weights, the other session will be some form of HIIT training - I need to stop avoiding cardio!

I'm going to eat clean. I've got millions of lovely recipes I can't wait to test out and share. But I'm going to have Saturday evenings off. Swapping one restrictive diet/obsession for another one just doesn't fit with this healthy lifestyle I'm trying to carve out.

So here goes...

Are you on a similar journey?

Tiffany x

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